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Common University Data Ontario (2011)
Carleton University

H1 - Number of Instructional Faculty Members (Excluding Clinicians) in Each Category (2010)


Faculty Member Category Full-Time Part-Time (FTE) Total FTEs (est)
Total number of instructional faculty 851 188.2 1039.0
Total number who are women 295    
Total number with doctorate, first professional, or other terminal degree 809    

Source: Carleton University


H2a - Undergraduate Class Size by Year Level (Sections), 2010-2011

  1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
Size (#) (%) (#) (%) (#) (%) (#) (%)
< 30 students 149 40.8% 60 15.7% 163 41.7% 265 74.0%
30-60 students 69 18.9% 121 31.8% 139 35.5% 72 20.1%
61-100 students 37 10.1% 105 27.6% 68 17.4% 18 5.0%
101-250 students 77 21.1% 92 24.1% 21 5.4% 3 0.8%
251+ students 33 9.0% 3 0.8%        
TOTAL 365 100.0% 381 100.0% 391 100.0% 358 100.0%

H2b - Undergraduate Class Size by Year Level (Sub Sections), 2010-2011

  1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year
Size (#) (%) (#) (%) (#) (%) (#) (%)
< 20 students 178 25.3% 122 27.9% 63 36.4% 38 46.3%
20-40 students 359 51.1% 243 55.5% 85 49.1% 27 32.9%
41+ students 166 23.6% 73 16.7% 25 14.5% 17 20.7%
TOTAL 703 100.0% 438 100.0% 173 100.0% 82 100.0%

Link to More Info. on Class Size by Program:
> Office of Institutional Research and Planning
Note: There are a number of one-on-one instruction classes, including independent study and practicums, as well as independently supervised final year essays or projects in most four year Honours programs.