Table AD1-1
First-Year Undergraduate Students in Degree Programs: 2019-20
Type of Admission of New, and Prior Registration Status of Returning Students by Full-Time/Part-Time Status

Degree Program
New(1) Returning(2) Total
Canadian Secondary(3) Post-Secondary(4) Other(5) Subtotal First-Year(6) Special(7) Prior to 18-19(8) Subtotal
    B.Arch. Studies
    B.Arts Honours
    B.Computer Science
    B.Industrial Design
    B.Information Tech.
    B.Math. Honours
    B.Math. Major
    B.Science Honours
    B.Social Work
    All Programs
363    75.9%
80    84.2%
104    47.7%
1443    82.1%
126    83.4%
19    73.1%
336    85.1%
65    75.6%
345    83.1%
1006    84.5%
39    84.8%
42    87.5%
185    79.7%
48    88.9%
95    96.9%
48    70.6%
17    60.7%
24    100.0%
77    95.1%
87    65.4%
279    82.3%
34    81.0%
4862    81.0%
10    2.1%
8    8.4%
16    7.3%
60    3.4%
4    2.6%
1    3.8%
2    .5%
10    11.6%
10    2.4%
41    3.4%
1    2.2%
4    8.3%
18    7.8%
2    3.7%
1    1.0%
8    11.8%
1    1.2%
2    1.5%
14    4.1%
3    7.1%
216    3.6%
8    1.7%
8    3.7%
38    2.2%
3    2.0%
5    1.3%
3    3.5%
5    1.2%
10    .8%
1    .4%
1    1.9%
1    1.5%
2    7.1%
1    1.2%
4    3.0%
3    .9%
1    2.4%
94    1.6%
381    79.7%
88    92.6%
128    58.7%
1541    87.7%
133    88.1%
20    76.9%
343    86.8%
78    90.7%
360    86.7%
1057    88.8%
40    87.0%
46    95.8%
204    87.9%
51    94.4%
96    98.0%
57    83.8%
19    67.9%
24    100.0%
79    97.5%
93    69.9%
296    87.3%
38    90.5%
5172    86.1%
79    16.5%
7    7.4%
66    30.3%
175    10.0%
15    9.9%
4    15.4%
46    11.6%
7    8.1%
50    12.0%
120    10.1%
4    8.7%
2    4.2%
24    10.3%
2    3.7%
2    2.0%
10    14.7%
9    32.1%
2    2.5%
37    27.8%
42    12.4%
3    7.1%
706    11.8%
17    3.6%
19    8.7%
39    2.2%
3    2.0%
1    3.8%
4    1.0%
3    .7%
5    .4%
1    2.2%
1    .4%
1    1.9%
1    .8%
1    .3%
1    2.4%
97    1.6%
1    .2%
5    2.3%
3    .2%
1    3.8%
2    .5%
1    1.2%
2    .5%
8    .7%
1    2.2%
3    1.3%
1    1.5%
2    1.5%
30    .5%
97    20.3%
7    7.4%
90    41.3%
217    12.3%
18    11.9%
6    23.1%
52    13.2%
8    9.3%
55    13.3%
133    11.2%
6    13.0%
2    4.2%
28    12.1%
3    5.6%
2    2.0%
11    16.2%
9    32.1%
2    2.5%
40    30.1%
43    12.7%
4    9.5%
833    13.9%
478    100.0%
95    100.0%
218    100.0%
1758    100.0%
151    100.0%
26    100.0%
395    100.0%
86    100.0%
415    100.0%
1190    100.0%
46    100.0%
48    100.0%
232    100.0%
54    100.0%
98    100.0%
68    100.0%
28    100.0%
24    100.0%
81    100.0%
133    100.0%
339    100.0%
42    100.0%
6005    100.0%

Source: Student Record Database, as at November 1, 2019.
Notes: 1. First registered at Carleton in 2019-20.
2. First registered at Carleton prior to 2019-20.
3. From secondary schools in Canada, including C.E.G.E.P..
4. From Canadian/non-Canadian post-secondary institutions.
5. All other new registrants.
6. Registered as first year or higher in 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
7. Registered as Q-Year or Certificate or Special in 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
8. Registered prior to 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
9. Undergraduate students are counted as full-time if registered in 3 or more credits.

Table AD1-1
First-Year Undergraduate Students in Degree Programs: 2019-20
Type of Admission of New, and Prior Registration Status of Returning Students by Full-Time/Part-Time Status

Degree Program
New(1) Returning(2) Total
Canadian Secondary(3) Post-Secondary(4) Other(5) Subtotal First-Year(6) Special(7) Prior to 18-19(8) Subtotal
    B.Arch. Studies
    B.Arts Honours
    B.Computer Science
    B.Information Tech.
    B.Math. Honours
    B.Math. Major
    B.Science Honours
    B.Social Work
    All Programs
13    18.1%
1    20.0%
10    11.6%
62    34.8%
4    28.6%
1    14.3%
22    36.7%
8    32.0%
12    32.4%
16    13.6%
12    44.4%
1    50.0%
1    50.0%
4    26.7%
8    40.0%
8    29.6%
11    36.7%
194    26.5%
2    2.8%
1    20.0%
4    4.7%
3    1.7%
2    14.3%
1    14.3%
1    1.7%
3    12.0%
1    2.7%
2    1.7%
2    7.4%
1    50.0%
2    7.4%
25    3.4%
4    5.6%
8    9.3%
8    4.5%
1    7.1%
1    14.3%
5    8.3%
2    8.0%
1    2.7%
4    3.4%
2    7.4%
2    13.3%
2    7.4%
1    3.3%
41    5.6%
19    26.4%
2    40.0%
22    25.6%
73    41.0%
7    50.0%
3    42.9%
28    46.7%
13    52.0%
14    37.8%
22    18.6%
16    59.3%
1    50.0%
1    50.0%
6    40.0%
8    40.0%
1    50.0%
12    44.4%
12    40.0%
260    35.6%
45    62.5%
3    60.0%
48    55.8%
87    48.9%
3    21.4%
2    28.6%
27    45.0%
11    44.0%
22    59.5%
91    77.1%
10    37.0%
1    50.0%
1    50.0%
9    60.0%
11    55.0%
1    50.0%
1    100.0%
13    48.1%
18    60.0%
1    33.3%
405    55.4%
4    5.6%
6    7.0%
10    5.6%
4    28.6%
2    28.6%
2    3.3%
1    .8%
1    5.0%
2    66.7%
32    4.4%
4    5.6%
10    11.6%
8    4.5%
3    5.0%
1    4.0%
1    2.7%
4    3.4%
1    3.7%
2    7.4%
34    4.7%
53    73.6%
3    60.0%
64    74.4%
105    59.0%
7    50.0%
4    57.1%
32    53.3%
12    48.0%
23    62.2%
96    81.4%
11    40.7%
1    50.0%
1    50.0%
9    60.0%
12    60.0%
1    50.0%
1    100.0%
15    55.6%
18    60.0%
3    100.0%
471    64.4%
72    100.0%
5    100.0%
86    100.0%
178    100.0%
14    100.0%
7    100.0%
60    100.0%
25    100.0%
37    100.0%
118    100.0%
27    100.0%
2    100.0%
2    100.0%
15    100.0%
20    100.0%
2    100.0%
1    100.0%
27    100.0%
30    100.0%
3    100.0%
731    100.0%

Source: Student Record Database, as at November 1, 2019.
Notes: 1. First registered at Carleton in 2019-20.
2. First registered at Carleton prior to 2019-20.
3. From secondary schools in Canada, including C.E.G.E.P..
4. From Canadian/non-Canadian post-secondary institutions.
5. All other new registrants.
6. Registered as first year or higher in 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
7. Registered as Q-Year or Certificate or Special in 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
8. Registered prior to 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
9. Undergraduate students are counted as full-time if registered in 3 or more credits.

Table AD1-1
First-Year Undergraduate Students in Degree Programs: 2019-20
Type of Admission of New, and Prior Registration Status of Returning Students by Full-Time/Part-Time Status

Degree Program
New(1) Returning(2) Total
Canadian Secondary(3) Post-Secondary(4) Other(5) Subtotal First-Year(6) Special(7) Prior to 18-19(8) Subtotal
Full- & Part-Time
    B.Arch. Studies
    B.Arts Honours
    B.Computer Science
    B.Industrial Design
    B.Information Tech.
    B.Math. Honours
    B.Math. Major
    B.Science Honours
    B.Social Work
376    68.4%
81    81.0%
114    37.5%
1505    77.7%
130    78.8%
20    60.6%
358    78.7%
73    65.8%
357    79.0%
1022    78.1%
39    84.8%
42    87.5%
197    76.1%
49    87.5%
96    96.0%
52    62.7%
25    52.1%
24    92.3%
77    93.9%
95    59.4%
290    78.6%
34    75.6%
12    2.2%
9    9.0%
20    6.6%
63    3.3%
6    3.6%
2    6.1%
3    .7%
13    11.7%
11    2.4%
43    3.3%
1    2.2%
4    8.3%
20    7.7%
2    3.6%
1    1.0%
8    9.6%
1    3.8%
1    1.2%
4    2.5%
14    3.8%
3    6.7%
12    2.2%
16    5.3%
46    2.4%
4    2.4%
1    3.0%
10    2.2%
5    4.5%
6    1.3%
14    1.1%
3    1.2%
1    1.8%
3    3.6%
2    4.2%
1    1.2%
6    3.8%
4    1.1%
1    2.2%
400    72.7%
90    90.0%
150    49.3%
1614    83.4%
140    84.8%
23    69.7%
371    81.5%
91    82.0%
374    82.7%
1079    82.5%
40    87.0%
46    95.8%
220    84.9%
52    92.9%
97    97.0%
63    75.9%
27    56.3%
25    96.2%
79    96.3%
105    65.6%
308    83.5%
38    84.4%
124    22.5%
10    10.0%
114    37.5%
262    13.5%
18    10.9%
6    18.2%
73    16.0%
18    16.2%
72    15.9%
211    16.1%
4    8.7%
2    4.2%
34    13.1%
3    5.4%
3    3.0%
19    22.9%
20    41.7%
1    3.8%
3    3.7%
50    31.3%
60    16.3%
4    8.9%
21    3.8%
25    8.2%
49    2.5%
7    4.2%
3    9.1%
6    1.3%
3    .7%
6    .5%
1    2.2%
1    .4%
1    1.8%
1    2.1%
1    .6%
1    .3%
3    6.7%
5    .9%
15    4.9%
11    .6%
1    3.0%
5    1.1%
2    1.8%
3    .7%
12    .9%
1    2.2%
4    1.5%
1    1.2%
4    2.5%
150    27.3%
10    10.0%
154    50.7%
322    16.6%
25    15.2%
10    30.3%
84    18.5%
20    18.0%
78    17.3%
229    17.5%
6    13.0%
2    4.2%
39    15.1%
4    7.1%
3    3.0%
20    24.1%
21    43.8%
1    3.8%
3    3.7%
55    34.4%
61    16.5%
7    15.6%
550    100.0%
100    100.0%
304    100.0%
1936    100.0%
165    100.0%
33    100.0%
455    100.0%
111    100.0%
452    100.0%
1308    100.0%
46    100.0%
48    100.0%
259    100.0%
56    100.0%
100    100.0%
83    100.0%
48    100.0%
26    100.0%
82    100.0%
160    100.0%
369    100.0%
45    100.0%

Source: Student Record Database, as at November 1, 2019.
Notes: 1. First registered at Carleton in 2019-20.
2. First registered at Carleton prior to 2019-20.
3. From secondary schools in Canada, including C.E.G.E.P..
4. From Canadian/non-Canadian post-secondary institutions.
5. All other new registrants.
6. Registered as first year or higher in 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
7. Registered as Q-Year or Certificate or Special in 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
8. Registered prior to 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
9. Undergraduate students are counted as full-time if registered in 3 or more credits.

Table AD1-1
First-Year Undergraduate Students in Degree Programs: 2019-20
Type of Admission of New, and Prior Registration Status of Returning Students by Full-Time/Part-Time Status

Degree Program
New(1) Returning(2) Total
Canadian Secondary(3) Post-Secondary(4) Other(5) Subtotal First-Year(6) Special(7) Prior to 18-19(8) Subtotal
    All Programs
5056    75.1%
241    3.6%
135    2.0%
5432    80.6%
1111    16.5%
129    1.9%
64    1.0%
1304    19.4%
6736    100.0%

Source: Student Record Database, as at November 1, 2019.
Notes: 1. First registered at Carleton in 2019-20.
2. First registered at Carleton prior to 2019-20.
3. From secondary schools in Canada, including C.E.G.E.P..
4. From Canadian/non-Canadian post-secondary institutions.
5. All other new registrants.
6. Registered as first year or higher in 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
7. Registered as Q-Year or Certificate or Special in 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
8. Registered prior to 2018-19 Fall/Winter session.
9. Undergraduate students are counted as full-time if registered in 3 or more credits.
Id: 1147868