Institutional Research & Planning

Online Student Experience Questionnaire F.A.Q.

When will my students be able to fill out the questionnaires?

  • For 2025 Winter (6 weeks) courses, Student Experience Questionnaire invitations will be sent out on February 4th. Students will receive an invitation from ‘Carleton-Student Experience Questionnaire’ in their Carleton e-mail account. The e-mail will contain a link to the Student Experience Questionnaire Portal where they will be able to fill out all of their questionnaires that are being conducted online. The system will close on February 14th.

When will results of my Student Experience Questionnaires be available and how do I access them?

  • Student Experience Questionnaire results will be made available to instructors AFTER final grades have been submitted and approved by the Deans, after which instructors will receive an e-mail notification notifying them that the latest reports are now available on the Student Experience Questionnaire Report Portal.
  • If this is your first time logging in to the portal, your username/password should be the same as the one you use to access your Carleton CUNET or Microsoft Exchange/Outlook e-mail account.
    • If you have forgotten your MyCarletonOne username or password, then you will need to contact the ITS Service Desk.

I have a student that claims to have not received an e-mail invitation. What should I do?

Is the online system still anonymous?

  • Yes. The online Student Experience Questionnaire is completely confidential and anonymous.
  • To ensure that each student can only complete one questionnaire per course, the online system is designed to keep track of those who have already filled one out, but there is no way to identify any individual as all student responses are stored anonymously without any identifiable information.

I am concerned about response rates for my Student Experience Questionnaires. What should I do?

  • OIRP is working hard to ensure that all courses obtain good response rates by having a broad communication campaign including ads, web links, and social media.
  • Instructors can also help by encouraging students in each session to check their e-mail for a link to participate during the last two weeks of classes. You may wish to read the “Notice to Instructors” that we have posted on our website, which should provide comprehensive information for your students on how the system works. Finally, you may also wish to stress the importance of the Student Experience Questionnaire process to encourage students to participate.

What has OIRP done to ensure that the online system will not give differing results from the paper-based system?

  • This is not the first time Student Experience Questionnaires have been done online at Carleton. We previously conducted a pilot to ensure that there weren’t any systematic differences between the online system and the paper-based system.
  • To read the full report on the online pilot, you can click on the link below to see our findings:

Can I still give time in class for my students to fill out their online Student Experience Questionnaires?

  • Yes. If students in your class have access to laptops, tablets, or smartphones that are connected to the internet, then they should be able to login and fill out the questionnaire at any time.
  • Please note, however, that if you are giving time in class for students to complete their Student Experience Questionnaires, the same rules apply for the online system as they do for the paper-based system. That is, you may appoint a proctor or student administrator to assist you with this process, but you MUST leave the room while students are filling out their questionnaires.

Can I preview what the online Student Experience Questionnaire form looks like?